Frequently Asked Questions

Immediate Practical Concerns

The school offers a scholarship program. Here's how it works: It's based on referrals. If you refer two students to the SoMSS Curriculum, your own tuition gets covered for the same amount of time. If you refer two members to the SoMSS Community, your community membership gets covered for the same amount of time.

When your referrals enroll, they need to indicate your name and e-mail address at the checkout. See here for more information:

Membership tuition is in USD (United States currency).

Your own country's sales taxes apply. For example, if you live in Canada, you will also pay HST. If you live in the EU, you will pay the VAT.

That is entirely up to you! You can take the curriculum at your own pace, as your lifestyle permits. Although the curriculum is designed to be taken in 3-month chunks of time. If there is a 3-month period where you are particularly busy you can always pause your membership and resume in 3 months.

You can work through the lessons slowly, when you can squeeze them in, or you can dive in and go through a course in a couple of weeks if that is all you are going to do in those days. The lessons average about 10 minutes, and they can be watched on your mobile phone, so you can take in a lesson in a variety of circumstances.

The Alchemical homework assignements vary in their time committment. For MSS 110 ("Soul Tending as a Daily Practice"), the activities are very short, and can be done on a daily basis (with tangible benefits to you) even if you have a hectic life with virtually no free time. Other assignments, like the Shamanic Archetype Personal Mandala, require you to set aside a block of time for creative inner work.

So I would say there is a minimum of 1 hour of time required per week, and there is no maximum limit. And if you are going through a particularly busy period, you can pause your progress through the curriculum.


I recommend tackling the curriculum in 3-month chunks of time. So as I mentioned, if you have a particularly busy 3 months, just write me to pause your membership and resume after 3-months have passed. The Alchemical Assignments unfold according to a recommended timeframe. This timeframe is pitched for people who have 2-4 hours a week to work on this material.

But life happens! And you have all the power to determine your own timeframe. If you fall behind the recommended timeframe for the assignments, don't worry! We will continue to check in with you, and help you to resume your progress, if you wish. (This doesn't apply to those with a lifetime membership).

I personally host a weekly Study Group on Zoom, so you can always get support from me. The Study Group is usually held on Sundays at 12 noon EST, but the times will vary in order to accomodate students in other timezones.

Also, you will also receive lots of support from your community; from your fellow students in the SoMSS Community, especially from students who have already progressed through the curriculum.

I am also easily reachable on the SoMSS Community, where I regularly interact and participate.

The lessons average about 10 minutes. A few lessons are longer, from 20 to 30 minutes. As the curriculum develops, I will aim to keep the lessons below 10 minutes.

The courses range from about 7 - 14 hours worth of lessons.

When I first launched the school, I saved all the lessons in HD. Through student feedback, I came to understand that many students were taking in lessons on their mobile phones, and the HD format was using up all their data. Since then, I've reformatted all the lessons to a lower resolution, so they take up considerably less data. So no, the video lessons wont eat up all your data. And the audio downloads of the lessons are even smaller, and can be listened to with no data at all.

"Is This a Good Fit for Me?"

While this material draws on ancient and arcane wisdom that was not written for the modern soul, it has been intentionally woven together and presented in a way to make it as accessible as possible for those individuals looking for it and needing it. To make the esoteric subject matter accessible, it is written primarily in a psychological language that is easy to relate to your personal experiences, regardless of where you're coming from.

If you have a sincere interest in your spiritual development, a willingness to do the work, and ask questions, you will be able to understand and benefit from this no matter where you're starting from.

There is no finish line to the work of self-knowledge and self-development. If you have already been sincerely doing this kind of work for any period of time you will benefit even more from this curriculum, presented in this way.

There are already some very experienced students in the school, who have studied for decades with numerous renowned spiritual teachers, healers, shamans, who feel that they have finally found a key piece of the puzzle that's always been missing from their previous work.

It comes from me, Andrew Camargo.

So that raises the question, "Where did I get this knowledge from?"

I got this knowledge from a few sources, which I will tell you now.

First, from C.G. Jung, whom I studied both on my own and also in Graduate School.

Second, from the Rosicrucian Alchemists who thrived in Europe between approximately 1450 and 1700 AD.

Third, from Rudolf Steiner.

Fourth, from my initiatory work in the Santo Daime, and my direct experiences with the entheogenic teacher at the heart of this tradition.

Fifth, from my elders in the Santo Daime tradition, in particular my main elder, Padrinho Sebastião, and his family.

Sixth, from my own visions, shamanic journeys, active imaginations, dreams, experiences in the spiritual realms, and from the teachings of a number of plant teachers, including ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, rapé, and others. In other words, from my own "shamanic gnosis" over the last two decades.

Seventh, from my Higher Self, which cobbled together the above six sources of knowledge, and birthed them into a new synthesis in the form of The School of Modern Soul Science.

The materials for this course, and all the courses at the SoMSS, come from the synthesis of four pillars of knowledge - Archetypal Shamanism, Jungian Psychology, European Alchemy, and Creative Mythology.

There are religious denominations of the world that do not find these esoteric realms of study to be forbidden. And there are others that do. This is something only you can determine for yourself.

Much depends on whether you are attuned to the esoteric dimension of your faith. This curriculum draws on the wisdom of the hermetic lineage, which is fundamentally esoteric, inter-cultural, transcultural, and trans-epochal.

In other words, this program of study is drawn from the perennial tradition - the thread of esoteric wisdom that weaves through all religions.

Everything taught in the SoMSS is aligned with the teachings of Rosicrucian Alchemy, which is a hermetic amalgam of gnostic Christian impulses, and pagan, shamanic Mystery Wisdom. It works to restore the Pagan impulse to Christian gnosis, and restore the Christ impulse to Pagan gnosis.

If you are a conservative Christian, who is not open to more esoteric, gnostic streams of spirituality, you will likely condemn this as witchcraft.

But if you are the kind of Christian who understands that the "spirit world" is quite real, and that there are many sorts of spirits out there, and you can see the presence of both a God and a Goddess in the face of Nature, and you believe that God lives in the "I AM" of our innermost being, you might find this program to be a great inspiration for your spiritual development.

If you are oriented toward Pagan spirituality, and (quite understandably) have a particular objection to "Churchianity", trust that you will find no Churchianity in this program. But you will find genuine Christian impulses to the extent that Christ is understood as the embodiment of the Divine I AM - which is what you are striving for in your spiritual development.

If you are thoroughly steeped in New Age teachings, this program may challenge some of your assumptions and the accuracy of some of the beliefs that you take for granted. It may involve more "shadow work" than you are comfortable doing. But these challenges will inspire you to look closely at your beliefs and see what they are actually founded on.

The purpose of this curriculum is to guide you into a descent into your inner-most being. While you may certainly "ascend" to greater heights of self-hood, the orientation of this curriculum is not simply "ascending". One must go down into the depths before one can truly go up to a higher realm (and remain there, free of fantasy).

If you are in the habit of referring to yourself as a shaman, this program will not work for you as well as it would if you considered yourself still an apprentice with much to learn. Generally speaking, the more knowledge and spiritual power one presumes to have, the less receptive one is to new sources of wisdom.

While I cannot guarantee "healing", I can certainly say that all the work you do in this program is inherently healing by nature, because it is always working toward unifying previously fragmented parts of your psyche. The guiding spirit of the school is the "unification of opposites", so all the inner work you will do will bring together your conscious psyche and your unconscious psyche into a more harmonious relationship, and this has an inherently healing effect.

All the Alchemical Assignments are, in one way or another, opportunities for you to do "soul-retrieval" work. While the lectures and your peers may help you heal on this journey, it is ultimately you who must become your own healer, and the coursework will give you ample opportunity to do that.

Moreover, you will find the approach to "archetypal shamanism" innately healing beause it will provide you with a clear framework with which you can look back on your past and re-frame it in a new, clear, and completely empowering way that makes sense of experiences that may have been, up until now, bewildering, seemingly senseless, and traumatic.

Greater self-knowedge. Your ego's consciousness will penetrate more deeply into your prevoiusly subconscious realms, and the subconscious contents will become new parts of your conscious "I AM". This results in more vigor, balance, inner peace.

Greater wholeness. You can expect to do a lot of "soul-retrieval" work through the Alchemical Assigments, and this will have a wide array of profound benefits.

Transformation. You can expect to undergo a profoundly transformative journey through the curriculum, moving always closer to manifesting greater increments of your Higher Self.

Adjustment and greater spiritualization of your "ego". Your ego, contrary to the New Age truism, is not something that you can (or should) get rid of. Quite the opposite, you must spiritualize it, because it has a very, very important role. It is meant to be the bearer of your Divine I AM - the vessel in which your Higher Self actually incarnates. Through this curriculum, you will put your ego into the alchemical furnace, so that it can evolve, and become a faithful servant of your Higher Self.

You can expect to have a much clearer sense of your purpose, your vocation, your shamanic specialization, and what it means to be a shamanic individual in the world today.

You can expect to get much more clarity on the next steps in your spiritual journey.

You can expect to make powerful new friendships.

You can expect to tap into a vast lineage of Western ancestral wisdom through the lineage of Alchemy.

You can expect to learn ancient knowledge in a modern way, and apply ancient wisdom to your modern situation in the world.

While the teachings of the school draw on the Mystery traditions throughout the ages, this is not a Mystery School, and I would caution you to not entirely trust any institution that claims to be a "Mystery School" - even a "modern" one.

A true "Mystery School" is a school of entheogenic initiation. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and elsewhere, the Mystery Schools rigorously prepared candidates for their initiation, and in the initiation itself, the candidate was required to ingest a powerful entheogenic sacrament, which brought them into direct contact with the higher spiritual realms, and the mysteries contained therein.

Today, there are many institutions claiming to be modern "Mystery Schools". These schools certainly derive their teachings from lineages that ORIGINATE from true Mystery Schools, but they are not, themselves, actual Mystery Schools in the traditional sense.

The School of Modern Soul Science does not lead people through entheogenic initiation ceremonies, although it does provide an education that would make for ideal preparation for entheogenic work.

Nor are non-entheogenic ceremonies integral parts of the curriculum. In other words, you do not need to participate in any ritual or ceremony in order to progress through the curriculum. You will be guided through inner work, and will be expected to engage in psycho-spiritual development in order to progress through the curriculum. You will also be encouraged to create your own rituals of soul work, and to bring any ceremonial work you do (on your own, or with whatever group you choose) into the 'alchemical vessel' of your work in this school.

If you are called to seek out entheogenic initiation in certain spiritual lineages, the School of Modern Soul Science will be an invaluable source of guidance only insofar as it offers you universally applicable tools and an archetypal "science of initiation" that will help you orient yourself, understand what is actually happening, and develop greater discernment so as to not get deceived and fall into an undesirable predicament for your soul.

The School of Modern Soul Science draws on entheogenic lineages of wisdom, but the teachings offered in the school are universal in their applicability to the human quest for evolution, healing, and the cultivation and manifestation of our Divine Nature.

If you were to trace the teachings back to their source, you would find entheogenic traditions, but you could say the same thing about virtually every religion on earth, and virtually every civilization on earth. Those who are educated in the role of entheogens in human history understand the central role they have played in the Mysteries of all civilizations, and those educated in the role of the Mysteries in human history understand that they have been the fountainhead of all culture and all civilization.

But despite the entheogenic source of the knowledge in this school, its teachings are equally applicable to those following decidedly non-entheogenic paths. That is because the teachings are fundametally universal, fundamentally archetypal in nature. Every human has a soul - an astral body - and the "science" of the astral body is universal.

If you ARE committed to an entheogenic spiritual path, you will find the teachings contained in this school to be extremely helpful to you, both as ideal preparatory work for a serious dive into an entheogenic initiation, and as ideal ongoing supplementary support for a long-term entheogenic study.

If your spiritual path is NOT entheogenic, you will find just as much value in this curriculum. The alchemical homework assignments will be just as effective, transformative, and beneficial, and the "science of the astral body" will apply equally to your development, and will yield good fruits if you apply this science to your own soul-work.

Jungian Psychology is a good example of this same thing: If you trace this lineage of wisdom back, you will find entheogenic origins. However, the teachings are most certainly "archetypal", and profoundly beneficial to anybody serious about inner work, regardless of their methods and techniques for engaging in it (dreams, imagination, creativity, or injesting entheogneic agents). The teachings of Jungian Psychology are very useful to Westerners engaged in entheogenic study, and as anybody who has undergone Jungian analysis can attest, the teachings and methods are also extremely powerful for those working with dreams, imagination, and psychotherapy in general.

So long story short, the School of Modern Soul Science is unique in that it offers teachings that are valuable to both groups - those on a decidedly entheogenic path, and those on a decidedly non-entheogenic path.

"What if I Have Blocks, Fears, or Doubts?"

It is natural to be afraid, and to be expected. This school is calling on you to embark on profound inner work, and even profound self-healing work. Right before you embark on such a journey, all the negative forces (of fear, self-doubt, skepticism) rear their ugly heads and scream out in an attempt to thwart you, discourage you, prevent you from taking the decisive step forward.

It is necessary to overpower these retarding forces through an act of courage, an act of faith in yourself, an act of trust. These forces are there to act as "Threshold Guardians", to ensure that you do not proceed until you are actually able to summon the courage and inner force needed to move forward.

Know that you will be very supported in this journey. The curriculum itself is your main support. If you follow the curriculum, it will act like a treasure map, leading you always closer and closer to the gold. In addition to that, you will have support from your teacher, and from your fellow students, who can relate to what you're going through, and who have lots of love and compassion to share with you.

Healing and transformation is hard. A part of you needs to die before you can transform, before you can exerpeince a rebirth to a higher state of being. If you are feeling fear, it is because a part of you does not want to let go; does not want to die, so that something higher can be born. This is natural, but it is also going to hold you back if you remain in this state.

This program is meant to provide you with wise, compassionate, truthful and trustworthy guidance as you go through a personal transformation process. It will offer you the tools you need, but only you can summon the necessary courage to take the leap into the unknown, and win a victory there.

First of all, it is necessary for you to understand WHY you have had "weak willpower" and difficulty in following through on things that you have started.

The reason is simple: Soul-loss, soul-fragmentation.

Your conscious ego - your "I am" - has not been effectively connected to your subconscious psyche, which is the source of your "mojo".

Through the alchemical assignments, you will undergo a tranformational experience that will re-align your ego and your subconscious psyche, and create a greater connection of inspiration and vigor.

The alchemical assignments are fundamentally about "soul-retrieval" and integrating previously fragmented parts of your psyche into a new wholeness. As you do this work, you will have an opportunity to re-discover that "mojo" that you lost, or perhaps never had, because it will grow out of the inner work that you do.

But the paradox is that, in order to do this "soul-retrieval work" that has the potential to invigorate your willpower, you need to summon an initual burst of willpower to EMBARK on the alchemical process, and sustain a minimal amount of willpower to REMAIN in the fruitful alchemical process.

And this must come from you. Nobody can force you to do your own personal, spiritual, self-study work. Nor should they. This requires your willing, voluntary participation every step of the way if you hope to get anything out of it.

That being said, you will have real support and accountability to do this work... If you want it.

The community of students already doing this work, and bearing magical fruits, is growing by the day. There are senior students and TAs who have already worked through the first semester of the curriculum and know where the challenges lay, and how to best overcome them.

If you take advantage of the support structures available to you, you have a good chance to finally overcome the forces that oppose your spiritual progress. Shadow work is an integral part of the foundational, 100-level of the school. But don't worry! The Curriculum is a golden thread that guides you to the front door of your blocks, but if you keep following the thread, it will guide you PAST them, to a breakthrough into a new stage of self-realization.

Are you feeling strongly called to this work after reading up to this point? Do you feel more excitement and enthusiasm than fear, apprehension, avoidance, doubt?

After reading everything on this page, either you feel something deep within you calling you forward... or you don't.

You may still have hesitations about what you're signing up for. This is normal. It's a good indication that you take the subject matter seriously, as you should. It's serious work meant for serious times.

But if you sincerely desire to unravel the mystery that says "I am", so that you can serve humanity with your unique spiritual gifts, and this sincere desire is ultimately greater than your resistance... you are ready to get started with this work, and you should enroll in the program immediately.

YES!!! Certainly! YES!!! The Alchemical Assignments require you to draw. Every child knows how to do this. As an adult, perhaps you have forgotten, but this program will help you remember. The creative soul-work you do does not have to be "pretty" - it just has to be authentic in order to be effective.

The hardest part is just starting. Once you put pencil to paper, and stop judging yourself according to aesthetic principles, the magic quickly and powerfully unfolds. I have personally seen a number of students who came into the program claiming to have zero artistic talent, only to discover that, once they start, a powerful flood of images pours out of their hand, and they themselves are mesmerized by the result. The creative assignments in this program are magical, and you should not underestimate what will come out of you, once you break through that initial barrier.

Due to the nature of the inner work, the best drawings tend to be raw, crude. If it weren't for the serious and oftentimes heavy subject matter, the drawings might look like those of a 6-year-old.

Of course, if you are an artist or creative individual by trade (as many of the students are), these assignments are absolutely incredible opportunities for creative flowering.

If you just take in the lectures, you will receive considerable benefit. However, in order to maximize the personal TRANSFORMATION you experience, it is essential to accomplish the Alchemical Assignments. However, just the lectures alone have sufficient power to illuminate and transmute aspects of your psyche. But in general, passive learning is not as effective as active inner work.

And passive learning is better than no learning at all. If you don't do the assignments, nor watch the lectures, you will not likely benefit a great deal. HOWEVER! You are still likely to benefit simply from being part of the community. So, even if you don't watch any lectures, you can still benefit from being part of this special community.

Besides, this program also offers regular “creative facilitation workshops” on Zoom, specifically for the purpose of unblocking your innate creativity.

If you habitually start and abandon things, this program has the potential to actually shed light on the origins of your self-defeating behaviour patterns. But this won't be easy - progressing through the curriculum does require concerted willpower.

That is one of the reasons we value our community so much. The "Blockbusting Session" is a powerful resource for you to break through your obstacles, and the monthly Q and A with me is another powerful resource to help you progress, especially when you feel stuck or discouraged.

Yes. Absolutely. Very much so. Many students who choose to interact rarely (if at all) in the SoMSS Community still benefit from simply being a part of the community and reading the posts made there. They get a deeper understanding of their own process by witnessing other more extroverted students express and discuss their processes.

We have students who avoid social media entirely. Virtually all of the homework requires creating "soul artifacts". These students simply do their homework assignments in private, and submit their assignments to me via email.

Zoom is a great platform for the Study Groups, and moreover, you have the option of signing up for a free Zoom account, which will entitle you to unlimited 40-minute sessions with one other person. This means that you can use Zoom to engage in a "buddy system" with another student, at no cost to either of you.

You can cancel your membership at any time. If you cancel within the first 30 days of enrolling, you will receive a full refund.

If you were lucky enough to get the lifetime access, then it will always be there for you, when you are ready for it.

Long Term Practical Concerns

“Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call” is the first semester of the 100-level of the school. When you graduate from the “Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call” you will have the option of proceeding to the 200-level of the SoMSS Curriculum. Once you graduate that, you will have the option of proceeding to the 300-level.

The 200-level of the school is more esoteric in nature, and we will dive more deeply into the "science" of modern initiation. It will focus more on the esoteric art of European alchemy, history, the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, and how these teachings work together with the teachings of C.G. Jung.

The 300-level is more esoteric still, with a more advanced study of Alchemy and Steiner's work, and yet it also has a strong focus on bringing the fruits of your initiatory work to bear in the world at large. The school is ultimately leading people to become powerful spiritual visionaries, leaders, and healers in the world.

In order to graduate from “Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call”, you will need to watch all the lectures, and complete all the Alchemical Assignments. You may apply for one "pass" on one of the required assignments.

When you graduate, you will receive a certificate. At the present moment, the School of Modern Soul Science is too new and too radical to be accepted as a diploma granting institution. In other words, you cannot currenty get a Bachelors, a Masters, nor a PhD in "Modern Soul Science". Hopefully one day this will change. In the meantime, the value of the education (and the transformation it can bring about) speaks for itself.

However, when you graduate from “Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call”, you will have the opportunity to proceed to the 200-level of the school, which contains more advanced teachings. So even though your certificate will not help you get a professorship in Academia, you are nonetheless climbing a real mountain of wisdom, and each certificate you receive entitles you to proceed to the next stage of the climb.

At a practical level, you will receive Certificates of Completion for each completed course, and if you finish your Final Alchemical Portfolio project, you will receive a culminating Certificate of Graduation for the 100-level, opening the way to the 200-level if you wish to continue.

More than that, what will you have to show? Yourself - transformed! Your own transformation will be the good fruits that you harvest from your investment in this program.

But even more than that, you will have proof of this transformation in the form of your "soul artifacts". All your assignments require you to create "soul artifacts" which actually concretize the transformation that is taking place in your soul.

Your final project will be to assemble your "Alchemical Portfolio" - which will demonstrate the magical and mysterious transformation that you have accomplished in the program. Because each assignment is a concrete "soul artifact" that demonstrates personal growth, your final Portfolio will tell the story (and give proof) of the profound transformation and soul-retrieval work you've done in the program.

So if your spouse, or your parents, or your friends, or whomever, says to you, "What are you getting out of this, anyway?", you'll be able to show them your Portfolio, and say, "THIS!" And the magic of the Portfolio will speak for itself.

It is simple: When you move into greater alignment with your Higher Self, pathways open up for you. Your destiny unfolds.

“Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call” will help you discover your VOCATION - your reason for being. But it's rare for you to find your vocational job already in existence. You need to carve it out for yourself, and that is, in itself, a rite of passage. This is what I did with this school. I knew my vocation was that of a teacher, but I had to create this school in order to be able to manifest my vocation in the world.

Will the school help you do things like build an online school in which you can teach your expertise? Start a private healing practice? Harness a network of shamanic visionaries? Build a portfolio? Build your website? Market yourself?

YES!!! Actually, it will. In the 300-level of the school's curriculum, there will be a big focus on "returning" to the culture with the fruits of your initiatory work. The school will offer - in addition to didactic teachings - much practical teaching about how to actually work in the world, serving your higher purpose. Other teachers, with their own specializations, will eventually join the faculty (coaches, entrepreneurs, visionary web designers, etc.), to help you with your effort to manifest the fruits of all your inner work. An integral part of "modern soul science" is to put the fruits of your inner transformation at the service of your culture. The 300-level of the school will help you do that in a very practical sense.

This school does NOT offer magical, sorcerous techniques (dressed up as New Age teachings about "manifesting abundance") to simply bend the world of money to your will. Most people (the innocent ones) who do this kind of magic have NO IDEA what they are actually getting involved with, and the kind of soul-contracts they are forming. In reality, using magic to manifest money, or any form of material wealth, involves entanglement with deceptive spirits, and is to be avoided.

“Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call”, and your work in the school in general, WILL bring you into greater alignment with your Higher Self - your Divine Nature - and when this happens, your path can unfold properly, in accordance with your karmic destiny. Will you get a job? I cannot promise you will. But you can expect to be doing something much more aligned with your higher purpose, and that often results in making money doing something you love and are very good at. True abundance comes from entering into alignment with your true Spirit, and doing the work of the Great Spirit on earth. Do not believe the New Age sorcery that promises to teach you the secrets of manifesting abundance. This is a viper pretending to be an angel.

Focus on aligning with your Higher Self, with your higher purpose for being incarnated on earth at this time. If you are in alignment with this, everything will unfold properly, in accordance with Divine Wisdom. You will have everything you need to accomplish your purpose, and you will receive as much abundance as you deserve, according to your works, your karma, and how much abundance you create for others. Magical principles are not to be used for selfish impulses. Quite the opposite. This is not the alluring answer, but it's the truthful one.

All that being said… If you happen to have a personal network of souls who would really love this program, you’re in luck. The school offers affiliate commissions for everybody you help to enroll in the program. If you refer people who end up enrolling in a recurring monthly membership plan, you could end up earning recurring passive income. If you refer enough people, you could make decent passive income (while helping this knowledge to grow and reach more people who need it). If you are interested in being an affiliate of the school, please e-mail me (but you have to enroll first).

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